Protection & Income Protection
Life Protection Cover
Many people do not realise the financial impact that an unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death can have on a family.
If you earn an income, own a home, have a family, a business or an investment property, then protecting you and your family against the financial impact of ill-health or death is one of the most important decisions you can make.
Helping you protect what’s important to you
We insure our home, our car, our holidays and sometimes even our family pets, but the very thing we often overlook to insure is the most important of all, ourselves and our families. Many people do not realise the financial impact that an unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death can have on a family. The unfortunate reality is that families are struck by these events every day and the financial impact can be significant and long lasting. Having a protection plan in place is an effective way of providing peace of mind knowing that you have protected the things that are most important to you. There are a range of protection plans available that cover specific purposes providing peace of mind should the unexpected happen.
These include:
Personal Protection Services
- Term Assurance
- Serious Illness Cover
- Mortgage Protection
- Income Protection / Permanent Health Insurance
- Inheritance Tax
- Pension Related Cover
Corporate Protection
- Key Person
- Director
- Group
- Partnership Cover
- Shareholder Protection
Ask Yourself
If you suffered from ill-health or a serious illness
- Would the expense of the illness affect your financial well-being and that of your family?
- How long would you and your family cope financially?
- Would your income stop if you were unable to work for a prolonged period of time?
If you died prematurely
- Would your death have a devastating effect on your family’s standard of living and future plans?
- Would there be sufficient money in place to clear loans and bills leaving your family debt free?
- Would your family have the money needed to pay for your funeral?
- Finally, and most importantly, would your family need an ongoing income coming into the household to maintain their current lifestyle?
Having a protection plan in place is an effective way of providing peace of mind knowing that you have protected the things that are most important to you.
To find out more about Life or Corporate protection cover talk to Lifespan Financial Services Ltd.
Income Protection
Your income is an important asset…
What is income protection?
Income protection pays you a replacement income if you are unable to work due to an illness, accident or injury. You will continue to receive an income until you are well enough to return to work, or if not, until your retirement age.
Who is income protection for?
Anyone in full or part-time employment, who relies on their income to meet their outgoings and fund their lifestyle.
Why do I need income protection?
Your income is arguably your most important asset. You rely on it to fund everything from what’s in your fridge to where you go on holiday. If illness strikes and you are unable to work, income protection can:
- Provide income for everyday living.
- Ensure you continue to meet your monthly mortgage repayments and household bills.
- Help you maintain your current standard of living.
Ask yourself:
- What would happen if my income suddenly stopped because of ill health?
- How long would my family or I cope financially?
- How long would my employer pay me if I was on prolonged sick leave?
Self employed workers are not entitled to the State Illness Benefit. PAYE workers receive a State illness Benefit of just €193 per week from March 2017. *Department of Social Protection Illness Benefit as at December 2016. (
Having a protection plan in place is an effective way of providing peace of mind knowing that you have protected the things that are most important to you.
To find out more about income protection cover talk to Lifespan Financial Services Ltd.
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